Reception Remote Learning

Below you will find information regarding ideas for work the children can complete whilst at home. The children can complete any written work in their yellow homework book.
Please send us pictures of their work via Tapestry as you do for weekly homework.

**Please do not feel the need to print any of the sheets if you do not want to/cannot. These are just examples and are here if you would like to print them. Please feel free to either complete the tasks by looking at the sheet on the screen (if applicable) or by making your own versions.**

Please message us on Seesaw if you need any help or have any questions.
Also, please have a look at our class page for more information about our current topic. There are ideas for how to help at home relating to our current topic and we also post the weekly homework on there. 
Phonics and Reading
The children can read their school reading book on the Collins e-library, their sharing book or a book they have at home. There is useful information at the front and back of the books on the Collins e-library to support with decoding, fluency, prosody and comprehension skills. 
When reading the sharing book or a book from home, you can choose from the questions below to support your child with their comprehension and understanding: 
  • When and where did the story take place?
  • Who are the main characters?
  • What does the main character look like?
  • How does the book begin?
  • Where in the book would you find...?
  • What is the book about?
  • What is happening?
  • What might this mean?
  • What happened in the book? Can you retell the story?
  • Which part do you like best? Why?
  • Who is your favourite character? Why?
Please refer to the phonics section of the school website for information on what we are teaching each week of each half term. You could create a treasure hunt around the house using the graphemes and/or tricky words that we are working on as the treasure to find. You could even include the graphemes within words for your child to read before they can collect it (e.g. if one of the graphemes we are learning is the digraph 'ai', you could hide the words 'rain', 'tail', 'sail', 'main' etc. for your child to find somewhere in the house and then read before they get to keep it). 
In EYFS, we are working on writing sentences that match the children's phonetic knowledge. The children are encouraged to use the phonics they know to help with their spelling which supports with their independence when writing. We have also been looking at using a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. 
Please see below for picture prompts that can support children to think of their own sentence. 
The children could also draw a picture and write a sentence about what they did at the weekend e.g. I went to the farm.
A big part of writing is also developing fine motor skills. Activities that support this include playing with playdough, picking up items with tweezers and pegs and using arts and crafts that involve using scissors. 
Go on a number hunt around the house, looking for all the numerals you can see between 1-10. 
Count anything and everything. This could be counting jumps, counting fruit, counting steps or counting the number of times you hear a sound. 
Sing counting songs that count up and/or count backwards. Here are some examples of counting songs: 
  • Five Little Monkeys
  • Ten Green Bottles
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
  • Five Little Speckled Frogs
  • Five Little Ducks
  • Ten in the Bed
Please see the link below for more counting songs on BBC Teach.
Play board games using dice – this is great for number recognition, counting and adding when using two dice.
Please see the link below for an addition to 10 game on Topmarks. 
The Numberblocks on BBC iPlayer is a fun and educational TV series for children that supports with learning all about numbers. Please see the link below.
Bake with your child – this is great for talking about weight and capacity as well as size.
Educational Websites:
Please find the links mentioned in the above text below. There are also other websites to explore too.