Foundation Stage

Weekly Homework

Different Guides

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This half term we will be learning about superheroes and food.

Throughout the half term, we will be learning about different foods and the importance of healthy eating. We will also relate this to learning about healthy lifestyles in general. In DT, we will be making our own fruit yoghurts as part of food technology.

During the half term, we will link our learning about food and superheroes to different stories. For the first three weeks, we will be looking at the ‘Supertato’ collection of stories by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet, which focus on both areas of our topic. In weeks 4 and 5, we will be reading the traditional tale, ‘The Gingerbread Man’. In week 6, we will be reading the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ by Vivian French. In the final week, we will revisit a range of stories that we have enjoyed over the year.

We will be completing different science experiments this half term as well to find out what would be good superpowers and superhero tools/equipment. We will look at floating and sinking, magnets and gravity through ‘flying’.

This half term, we will also be preparing for our transition into Year 1. We will get to meet our new class teacher and we will also be building up to a more formal style of learning through whole class activities and breaking up the continuous provision time with whole class learning inputs.

Literacy Focus:

We will be focusing on writing sentences that can be read by others and by the children to an adult. We will be continuing to write sentences that have some words spelt correctly and/or some that are phonetically plausible. For our reading focus, we will be continuing to use the Little Wandle programme, learning Phase 4 phonics. We will continue to work on fluency, prosody and comprehension during our reading sessions.

Mathematics Focus:

In maths, we will be continuing to work on number facts within 10, using mathematical language associated with addition and subtraction. We will also explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally. Using everyday language to talk about different measurements is also an area we will be looking at and using everyday language to talk about the position of objects.

A few reminders:
  • Please make sure all school uniform is labelled.
  • Ensure your child has appropriate active wear for the warm weather on PE days.
  • Bring a water bottle to school everyday.
  • Bring a sun hat to school everyday and apply sun-cream before the school day.
How to help at home:
  •  Hear them read as often as possible.
  • Read lots of stories to them to support their story telling language.
  • Practise counting forwards and backwards to and from 20.
  • Talk to your child about the food you eat at home and give them opportunities to help you with preparing different meals.

What the year looks like in Reception...

Curriculum Letters


Useful Websites:
Let Carol teach your child Maths.
White Rose Maths
Some fun Maths activities.
Topmarks Maths
Free website. Lots of fun maths games.
Learn how much fun counting can be with the Numberblocks - a fun-loving group of numbers who work together to solve problems big and small.
Great, short videos to help with learning sounds, blending words and practising rhyming.
Teach Your Monster to Read
A fun phonics game. Free online and the app is currently free too. Please start at level 1: Teach Your Monster to Read - First Steps.