Year 2

Weekly Homework

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Our topic in Summer 2 is...
Journey to the Rainforest

This half term in Year 2 our topic is Journey to the Rainforest.


This half term in Year 2 our topic is Journey to the rainforest. The children will enjoy a Geography based topic learning about the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.


In English we will begin by reading a book all about the animals found in the rainforest. We will then move onto a story about an orangutan whose habitat is damaged due to deforestation. The children will complete a variety of writing tasks including writing in role and up-levelling sentences. We will also develop recount writing after enjoying a school trip.


In Maths the children will be focusing on measurement. Within their learning about mass, capacity and temperature they will choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure and compare and order mass, volume/capacity. The children will also develop their understanding of statistics. We will look at tally charts, block graphs and pictograms. We will then move onto solving one and two step problems using our mathematical knowledge. 


In Science our learning will be focused the basic needs of humans and other animals for survival (water, food and air). The children will understand the importance of exercise and hygiene. They will classify different foods according to their food group and the learn about the role of food groups in nutrition, linked to the correct amounts of foods for a balanced diet.


The children will enjoy a range of sporting events during this half term. This will include competing in a ‘Mini-Games’ competition and enjoying taking part in the whole school Sports Day. The children will also develop their target games skills and enjoy playing team building games in their pe lessons.


During our computing lessons the children will use software to present information in a range of ways including a fact file, a presentation, a quiz, a mind map and e-story. Throughout the topic the children will also be reminded of how to stay safe whilst using the internet and sharing information.  


In Art We will study the work of French artist Henri Rousseau. The children will look at and discuss a range of his work. They will then develop their skills of drawing leaves, trees and animals before creating a final piece in the style of one of Rousseau’s pieces.   


We will also help prepare the children for their transition into Year 3 and a number of events have been planned with the Junior school. As well as this we will enjoy a number of events to celebrate the children’s last year at the Infant school.


We continue to assess the children’s reading, writing and number skills, highlighting areas for development through our next step marking and supporting the children to develop these areas.


Please continue to hear your child read and note this in their reading diary.


Also look at our page on Class Dojo for links to areas of the curriculum and examples of work that the children have completed.

Year 2 planning

Year 2 Letters
Documents for parents

Useful websites:

Read On Get On: Helping children read