This half term in Year 2 our topic is Around the World in 80 Days.
This half term our topic is ‘Around the World in 80 Days’, during which we will be exploring the continents and oceans of the world.
The children will be reading stories and completing a range of activities such as writing letters and retelling narratives. They will also write factual information for each of the continents.
In Maths we will continue to develop the skill of place value before applying this when adding and subtracting. We will also be counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Within Science the children will be developing their understanding of living things and their habitats. We will consider what animals need in order to survive and where they are best suited to live.
In Computing we will focus firstly on online safety. The children will consider how to keep themselves safe when using technology as well as who they can ask for help. Then we will move onto creating pictures using software. The children will complete pictures using a range of styles.
During Geography we will use maps and atlases to identify countries and develop our understanding of the continents and oceans. The children will enjoy learning songs to help them remember the names and sizes of the continents and oceans!
In Music the children will enjoy learning and singing a song called ‘The Sunshine Song.' They will also learn to play a tuned instrument to accompany their singing.
In RE the children will be answering the question, Why is light an important symbol for Christians, Jews and Hindus? We will read a range of religious stories and consider how light is used across religions.
Our PE lessons will focus on fitness and ball games. The children will enjoy developing their agility, balance, co-ordination, speed and stamina. They will also develop skills needed for football, basketball and netball.
PSHE lessons will be based around the theme of relationships. We will learn about family groups and friendships, understanding the similarities and differences and how to support each other and resolve conflicts.
In art lessons the children will study the artists Andy Goldsworthy and Stephen Wiltshire. They will enjoy recreating pieces from the artists as well as creating their own style focusing on collage and sculpture.
We continue to assess the children’s reading, writing and number skills, highlighting areas for development through our next step marking and supporting the children to develop these areas.
Please continue to hear your child read and note this in their reading diary.