Always check weather forecast and provide your child with a named coat if it is going to rain.
Week beginning 24th February 2025
Jumbo Giants and Beautiful
For the second half term in Year 1 our topic is called ‘Jumbo Giants and Beautiful Beanstalks’
In English our main focus will be traditional (fairy) tales. The children will be learning about giants and imagining what it is like to be a giant. From this they will be writing their own version of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children will be expected to write sentences using a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops and add conjunctions to make their sentences longer. They will also continue to learn their phonic letter sounds and digraphs and try applying these in their writing as well as developing their reading skills.
In Maths we will be focusing on ‘measurement’. The children will learn about length, height, weight and volume. They will also continue to practise how to count forwards and backwards to 50 from any given number and count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards. Throughout the children will be challenged with maths problems to check their understanding.
In Science the children will be planting vegetables and beans and watching them grow in different conditions. The children will also learn how to name the different parts of a tree and a plant. They will be investigating different conditions in which plants can grow.
In Computing the children will continue to learn about e-safety. They will also be learning how to create an animated story closely linked to traditional tales.
Our topic focus this term is Geography. The children will be discussing what information maps give us? They will be looking at their classroom and the school’s outdoor area as a focus for their mapwork this term.
In RE the children will be answering the question: What does the cross mean to Christians? They will be learning about the events in the Easter story and discussing different Christian crosses and examining their meaning.
In Music our focus this term is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and the children will be learning the story through a range of musical activities which will also develop pulse, rhythm and pitch. They will also be discussing: How does music help us to understand our neighbours?
We are an active school and we regularly have active/movement times throughout the school day. Our PE lessons this term will focus on striking and passing the ball in games. We will be focussing on rolling and creating sequences in Gymnastics. In class we will be discussing our health and well-being, growing and changing and how general eating habits, sleep and hygiene will help with this.
In Design and Technology, the children will be learning how to identify different fruit and vegetables; discussing where they come from and tasting different fruit. The children will then be designing their own fruit salad and making it.
We will continue to use ‘ClassDojo’ as a method to let you know what has been happening in the class and any ways in which you can help your child at home. Please continue to record your reading at home in your home/school diaries.
If at any time you are concerned about your child, please message via ClassDojo.