School SEND Information Report 2024-2025
School Ethos for SEN
At Baddow Hall Infant School our vision is for every child to make the best possible progress. We provide a caring environment in which children can learn and develop to their full potential. We deliver an exciting and engaging curriculum by embedding inclusive practice throughout the school.
Children who require support relating to the four primary areas of special educational needs (communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or processing needs) will receive support additional to or different from that which we provide as part of the differentiated curriculum. This is considered additional SEND support and will be tailored to the needs of the individual child to enable them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes. Additional SEND support is planned, monitored and reviewed regularly through One Planning.
We are committed to developing a strong partnership with parents, as we believe parental involvement for all children is key in achieving success.
The school has a number of pupils whose special educational needs fall into the following categories:
Autism and Social Communication
Speech, Language and Communication needs
Physical or Neurological Impairment
Sensory, Hearing, Visual or Multisensory impairments
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
Information about our policy for the identification and assessment for children with special educational needs.
The following procedures are in place to identify children with Special Educational Needs:
Step 1 - Pupils are assessed on entry and continuously throughout their time in school. Before children start in EYFS, we liaise with preschools and nurseries to ensure effective transfer of information and assessments; SENCO visits nurseries of pupils with special educational needs in the Summer Term before they start school and meets with parents if requested. Staff make home visits during the first two weeks of the school year. Progress and attainment is monitored half termly for all children (KS1 Maths and English Assessments/ Foundation Stage- Areas of learning- Early Years Outcomes) by class teachers, the headteacher, subject leaders and the SENCO.
Step 2 - If teachers or teaching assistants have concerns about individual pupils, they discuss them at any time with the SENCO and draw up a One Page Profile for the child – identifying what they find tricky and how best to support them. The class teacher provides High Quality First Teaching within class lessons, targeting areas of concern and these areas of weakness are discussed with parents. Parents/carers can discuss concerns about their child’s progress with the class teacher at termly parents’ evenings or at other mutually agreed times after school. Parents may also speak to the SENCO about their concerns
Step 3 – If a pupil’s progress continues to be a cause for concern, despite High Quality First Teaching targeted at specific areas of weakness and the child’s needs are ‘different from and additional to their peers’ or ‘they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age’ then they are identified as requiring Additional SEN Support. The class teacher and SENCO meet with parents and complete assessments to gather information to create a ‘One Plan’ for the child and the process of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ begins. If appropriate, advice will be sought from external agencies to help the child make progress.
Information on the kinds of special education provision at our school.
Children who require support relating to the four primary areas of special educational needs (communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or processing needs) will receive support additional to or different from that which we provide as part of the differentiated curriculum. This is considered additional SEND support and will be tailored to the needs of the individual child to enable them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes. Additional SEND support is planned, monitored and reviewed regularly through One Planning.
We are committed to developing a strong partnership with parents, as we believe parental involvement for all children is key in achieving success.
The school has a number of pupils whose special educational needs fall into the following categories:
Autism and Social Communication
Speech, Language and Communication needs
Physical or Neurological Impairment
Sensory, Hearing, Visual or Multisensory impairments
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
Information about our policy for the identification and assessment for children with special educational needs.
The following procedures are in place to identify children with Special Educational Needs:
Step 1 - Pupils are assessed on entry and continuously throughout their time in school. Before children start in EYFS, we liaise with preschools and nurseries to ensure effective transfer of information and assessments; SENCO visits nurseries of pupils with special educational needs in the Summer Term before they start school and meets with parents if requested. Staff make home visits during the first two weeks of the school year. Progress and attainment is monitored half termly for all children (KS1 Maths and English Assessments/ Foundation Stage- Areas of learning- Early Years Outcomes) by class teachers, the headteacher, subject leaders and the SENCO.
Step 2 - If teachers or teaching assistants have concerns about individual pupils, they discuss them at any time with the SENCO and draw up a One Page Profile for the child – identifying what they find tricky and how best to support them. The class teacher provides High Quality First Teaching within class lessons, targeting areas of concern and these areas of weakness are discussed with parents. Parents/carers can discuss concerns about their child’s progress with the class teacher at termly parents’ evenings or at other mutually agreed times after school. Parents may also speak to the SENCO about their concerns
Step 3 – If a pupil’s progress continues to be a cause for concern, despite High Quality First Teaching targeted at specific areas of weakness and the child’s needs are ‘different from and additional to their peers’ or ‘they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age’ then they are identified as requiring Additional SEN Support. The class teacher and SENCO meet with parents and complete assessments to gather information to create a ‘One Plan’ for the child and the process of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ begins. If appropriate, advice will be sought from external agencies to help the child make progress.
Information on the kinds of special education provision at our school.
- All class teachers provide Quality First Teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners and to enable pupils with SEND to work alongside their peers.
- We have an experienced SENCO with up to date knowledge and information, who regularly attends Local Authority Updates, SENCO cluster meetings and other training.
- Additional adult support in every classroom: Reception – one full time Teaching Assistant in each class; KS1 – each class has a Teaching Assistant every morning and at least one afternoon. Additional Teaching Assistants are deployed to work with individual pupils or groups in various classes throughout the week to support learning and lead interventions.
- Five Minute Box intervention to support pupils with literacy skills
- WellComm assessment tool and intervention to support speech and language development for pupils identified through assessment
- Little Wandle Keep Up sessions for phonics
- Communication and language support for children in Foundation Stage.
- Team Around the Family model and person centred planning tools used to develop partnership with parents.
- SENCO liaison with outside agencies involved with individual children, including LA Inclusion Partner regarding advice and support.
- Referral to appropriate outside agencies for example; speech therapist, occupational therapist, EWMHS.
- Access to an Educational Psychologist.
- Speech and Language care plans followed with individual children by experienced teaching assistants
- Gym Trail activities
- Sensory Room
- The Nest (nurture base)
- Rainbow Room (nurture base)
- Individualised planning for High Needs Pupils (Engagement Curriculum)
- Flexible timetable as required for individual pupils
- A range of resources to facilitate access to the curriculum and learning environment, e.g. visual timetables, Numicon, iPads, Clicker6 and talking whiteboards.
Information on how we assess progress for children with special educational needs.
Information on how we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision for children with special educational needs.
- When a child is being considered for SEN support, the adults who work with him/her carry out assessments in the following areas of need – Literacy, maths, speech and language, social communication, physical and sensory needs, independence as well as social, emotional and mental health needs. These assessment results are used to identify areas of development that need further intervention.
- Each child with a One Plan or an EHCP has person centred planning meetings once per term with SENCO, teachers, support staff and parents. During the meeting, progress towards outcomes is discussed, along with discussions about what is working well/not working well for the child. Outcomes are revised as appropriate to reflect progress and next steps for the child.
- Target tracker is used to track progress and attainment
- Half termly assessments against National Curriculum expectations within KS1. Pre-Key Stage Standards are used for pupils working below the level of the National Curriculum.
- Assessments from professionals.
- Autism Education Trust Progression Framework for pupils with Autism Spectrum Condition
- Pre and post data for Wave 2 and Wave 3 interventions.
- WellComm Speech and Language screening on entry to the school and following intervention.
- Emotional, social and behavioural development monitored through observations by teachers, support staff and parents.
- Person centred Annual Reviews for children with Education Health and Care plans.
- Provision maps for key interventions reviewed half termly.
- Parents are involved in assessing the effectiveness of the provision for their child during review meetings.
- Measuring pupil outcomes at the end of Foundation Stage and KS1 against all children and national data.
- Governor with allocated responsibility for SEND meets regularly with SENCO and reports back to governors.
- Analysis of trends over time for children with special educational needs.
- Analysis of the outcomes of Wave 2 and 3 interventions.
- SEN provision review is updated each term.
- Parent surveys sent out annually to families of pupils with SEND.
- Frequent meetings between teachers and SENCO to evaluate (and adjust if necessary) current SEN provision within classes.
How we train and support our staff to ensure the education and wellbeing of our learners.
- Regular training for SENCO – including termly SENCO updates, SENCO cluster meetings and annual SENCO conference.
- SENCO works alongside SEN support staff to develop skills and provision.
- Training for all staff in areas relating to specific needs relating to current cohort, led by SENCO and /or outside specialists. Training recently has been around Trauma Perceptive Practice, Speech and Languag and Good Autism Practice
- Support staff trained to deliver wave 2 & 3 interventions.
- Local networks provide support, e.g. SENCo cluster
- Joint training with partner junior school when appropriate.
- Training for staff to support children with medical needs.
- Performance management cycle.
Information about how equipment and facilities to support children with special educational needs will be secured.
- Access to Educational Psychologist, Local Authority Inclusion Partner and Engagement Facilitators, health professionals
- Equality Information and Objectives
- SEN development plan.
- Provision for support staff to support children with special educational needs identified within annual budget.
- Provision to deliver Wave 2 and 3 interventions identified within annual budget.
The arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs.
- As part of a child’s induction to Foundation Stage a home visit is offered in September with the child’s class teacher.
- SENCO role is highlighted to parents at annual year group meetings.
- Termly ‘One Planning’ (person centred planning) for children with special educational needs involving the children (where appropriate), parents, school staff and external agencies, if involved
- Parent consultation evenings each term
- SENCO is available to meet regularly with parents of children with special educational needs
- Parents attend annual reviews for Education Health and Care Plans.
- Parents attend Team Around the Child/Family meetings.
- Annual questionnaire sent out to parents of pupils with SEND.
The arrangements for consulting children with special educational needs.
- Annual questionnaire for pupils with SEN – completed with a familiar adult, enabling them to share their views
- Teaching Assistants consult with pupils before their One Plan meeting to gather their views to feed into their One Plan.
- All children self-evaluate their learning during lessons (‘traffic lighting’).
School arrangements for supporting pupils with SEN transferring between stages of education.
- Transition Booklets are created for all pupils with special educational needs coming into the school or leaving the school.
- Additional visits for pupils new to Reception in the summer term before they start and the opportunity to visit their classroom before the start of school during the first INSET day of the year to re-familiarise themselves with the school before they come in with the other children.
- Phased transition for pupils who require a slower introduction to full time education (when appropriate and as agreed with school and parents).
- SENCO from Infant and Junior school liaise regularly throughout the year and complete a thorough handover before pupils’ transition. All children complete a transition programme and an enhanced programme is provided for children with additional needs or Education Health and Care Plans, including reading buddies and treasure hunts around the Junior School. Staff from the Junior school attend One Planning meetings for Year 2 children with SEND in the summer term, plan additional visits in small groups to get to know the school and come over to meet them in their Y2 classes.
To see our Accessibility Plan please click HERE
Additional information
The name and contact details of our SEN co-ordinator:
Sarah Billett
Baddow Hall Infant School
01245 471338
Governor responsible for SEN: David Chatterjee
Arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEN concerning the provision made at the school can be found on the school website: